Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marriage and your money blueprint

T. Harv Eker talks a lot about your money blueprint.  It is basically your subconscious way of thinking about and using money.  It is a subset of rules which you use in making all your financial decisions.  From the time that we were little we have been learning various things about money.  Some of them were good, some were bad, and some were somewhere in between.  Most often we model our parents in some way either by doing what they did with their money or doing the exact opposite.  Children learn more by modeling than by listening which is why asking them to do what you say and not what you do rarely works.

Now think of your spouse, if you are married, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, if you are not.  They come from a different set of parents who modeled, most likely, a different set of rules regarding money.  If your money blueprint is vastly different that that of your significant other then you will probably be having many serious discussions (i.e. arguments) about how to best use your money.  The trick is to figure out what money blueprint each of you have and come up with a third money blueprint that you as a couple will have.

In T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar he discusses four different money personality types.  There are the savers, the spenders, the monks, and the avoiders.  The savers are focused on saving money of course.  That is what makes them happy, it is what allows them to invest, and be financially free.  The spenders are the pleasure seekers.  They love to spend money and use it as a way of feeling good about themselves and living the life they want.  The monks are above money.  Money is simply too mundane a thing for them to worry about.  They focus on serving others and making the world a better place.  Not much of their energy is spent on money.  Finally, the avoiders.  These are the ones that just don't have a clue and honestly don't want to know.  They understand they have bills and that these bills must be paid but how and when they do so is something they procrastinate putting any effort into until the last minute.  They never have a budget and live by the seat of their pants, always on the verge of financial ruin.

So figure out first what type of money personality you have, then have your significant other figure out what they are and come up with something that meets both of your needs while still allowing you financial freedom. As a first step I would suggest attending T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive as he will walk you through not only understanding your money blueprint and your money personality but he will help you improve your strengths and correct your weaknesses so that you can live a happier, richer life.

The link below will enable you to attend the next Millionaire Mind Intensive for free (this is normally a $795 value).  There are several throughout the country so find the one nearest you and register right away and, of course, bring your significant other with you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

T. Harv Eker's 4 Steps for Change - Verbal Programming

This is something that T. Harv Eker does with you at the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar which I found to be really powerful.  These four steps help you understand your current beliefs and feelings about money and then help you to disassociate yourself from the negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones.  The following steps I have taken directly from T. Harv Eker's book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, on page 25:


Steps for Change: Verbal Programming

AWARENESS: Write down all the statements you heard about money, wealth, and rich people when you were young.
UNDERSTANDING: Write down how you belief these statements have affected your financial life so far.
DISASSOCIATION: Can you see that these thoughts represent only what you learned and are not part of your anatomy and not who you are?  Can you see that you have a choice in the present moment to be different?
DECLARATION: Place your hand over your heart and say...
"What I heard about money isn't necessarily true.  I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success."
Touch your head and say...
"I have a millionaire mind."


The process seems pretty simple but it is very powerful as we each have these beliefs that play on repeat in the back of our head throughout the day.  These core beliefs guide us in our decisions we make about money and will ultimately determine how much money we are able to accumulate.  If we believe that money is evil and that being rich makes other people poor then we aren't likely to have a lot of money because our core beliefs are against it.  The problem too is that these beliefs are part of our subconscious and we may not even realize the influence they have.  So in following the above four steps you first identify the beliefs, understand how they are affecting your life, then you disassociate yourself from the negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones through declarations.

I would encourage anyone who is interested in making a significant financial change in their life to attend T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.  He is now offering this three day course for free (it is normally priced at $795).  Just click the link below to register.

He does these seminars all over the country so he may be coming to a location near you soon.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which are more powerful? Declarations or affirmations?

A declaration is a stated intention to perform a specific action or to achieve a certain result.  An affirmation is declaring a goal or intention in the present tense as if it is already true.  Declarations are easier for your subconscious mind to believe because you are simply stating your purpose or your desire.  Affirmations are harder for your subconscious to believe because as you say them the little voice in your head (i.e. your subconscious) will tell you that the affirmation is not correct despite what you say.  Here are some of my declarations I do every morning and evening:

$ I create my life.  I create the exact amount of my financial success.
$ I play the money game to win.  My intention is to create wealth and abundance.
$ I admire and model rich and successful people.
$ I get rich doing what I love.
$ I deserve to be rick because I add value to other people's lives.
$ I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.
$ I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
$ Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
$ My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day.