Sunday, December 19, 2010

Financial foundation building blocks

Here are the 10 financial building blocks that you must have in place (according to Mark Rothstein AKA Mr. Money):

1.  Money Management  - create a budget, understand where your money is coming from and where it is going, create an investment plan, and automate it.
2.  Estate Planning - Get a living trust and a will so that if anything ever happens to you your family will be taken care of.
3.  Credit and Debt - get rid of your credit card debt as quickly as possible, credit utilization should be below 30% of your credit available, work to get your credit score higher than 710 and keep it there.
4.  Income Taxes - get a good CPA to help you do your taxes, a lot of money is lost simply because people don't take advantage of various tax right offs and implement tax saving strategies that a good CPA can help you find.
5.  Insurance - make sure you have sufficient insurance so that a medical or dental issue doesn't cause you financial hardship.
6.  Understand the Economy - understand the current fiscal and monetary policies being implemented.
7.  Investment - Educate yourself on various investment strategies and get expert advice to know how to invest your money in the right markets.
8.  Real Estate - know where and when to invest and when to wait.
9.  Retirement - create a retirement plan now and automate it.
10.  Money and Relationships - you and your spouse need to be on the same page financially.

Mr. Money and T. Harv Eker have now teamed up and have an awesome wealth foundation seminar.  To learn more about it attend the next Millionaire Mind Intensive.  Get a free ticket, normally $795, by clicking on this link:

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