Friday, December 24, 2010

What is your money blueprint?

T. Harv Eker starts his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, off with a story of how he didn't start to have success in his business ventures until he learned to think like a millionaire and unlearn his then current mind set.  He had tried business after business after business and failed at every one of them.  He had listened to all the tapes and CDs, read all the books, gone to the seminars, and still wasn't experiencing any success.  Then he relates how one of his dad's rich friends gave him the advice that if he wanted to be successful in business as rich people are he needed to learn first how to think like a rich person and stop thinking like a middle class or poor person.

T. Harv Eker took this advice to heart and devoted his efforts to learning how rich people think and how to unlearn some of his core beliefs that were holding him back.  He then went on to start several successful businesses and has been successful ever since.  Now he has created the Millionaire Mind Intensive to help others  that are struggling against their inner beliefs about money and success.  This three-day seminar is structured to change the way people think about money and to move them towards success by getting rid of their limiting beliefs.  The seminar will truly change your money blueprint and open you up to a new life and a new way of thinking.

Since I have attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive just last month I already have two businesses that are quickly proving to be very successful and I am no longer the road block to my success.  I started an eBay business where I buy electronics wholesale and sell them on eBay at the retail price.  My first shipment of external hard drives comes in next week and I will be able to turn my $1600 investment into nearly $5000 within a month!  I am also doing an eBay coaching business and with the help of my success coach, Ungenita Prevost (check out her website at, I now have my first client that will start the coaching program in January!  My introductory package is $3000 for 10 one hour weekly coaching sessions and I will walk my clients through how to set up their eBay business, make it profitable, and automate it.  I am sure I am just one of hundreds if not thousands whose life has been changed dramatically by the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

If you would like a free ticket to attend this mind-altering seminar click on the link below (normally these tickets are sold for $795):

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