Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hesitation is the leading cause of road kill!

When was the last time you were presented with an opportunity that may have been profitable but that would have required that you leave your comfort zone and do something completely new?  Did you do it?  Why or why not?  What thoughts go through your mind as you think of such of a situation?  I would argue that most people shy away from these "opportunities" automatically.  We are comfortable where we are and anything that would require us to change in a radical way what we are currently doing is not something that most would deem as favorable or even logical.

I had lunch today with a friend that told me of such an experience.  In the year 2002 he was in school and his goal was to get his master's degree which is of course a worthy endeavor.  One of his friends decided to start a mortgage company and asked my friend to quit school and work with him full time on this new business opportunity.  My friend declined and continued to work towards his master's degree.  In the next few years his friend's mortgage business took off and his friend was making over $150K a month.  My friend did get his degree but he missed out on a huge opportunity because he hesitated and decided to stay in his comfort zone.  Needless to say that my friend is not making $150K a month with his master's degree.  Now, however, he is determined to not make the same mistake and is working with a mentor of his to start his own securities and insurance business.

Do not miss this huge opportunity to take your life to the next level!  Attend the next Millionaire Mind Intensive by T. Harv Eker.  Below are some upcoming dates for the seminar:

San Diego December 10-12, 2010
Santa Clara January 7-9, 2011
Los Angeles on February 18-20, 2011

Click the link below to register to attend this life changing event for free:


Friday, November 26, 2010

Success equals doing what you say you are going to do

There are two types of habits: doing habits and not doing habits.  Either of these habits can be good or bad.  If your habits are bringing you towards your goals of success and freedom then they are good habits and you should reinforce them to keep your momentum going.  If your habits are habits that prevent you from reaching your goals then these must be replaced with habits that will move you towards your goals.

T. Harv Eker has a great goal setting system.  The main point of this system is to make you responsible to do what you say you are going to do.  Then when you accomplish your goals for the month you reward yourself to positively reinforce your efforts.  This goal system is simple.  You create a list of things you must do each day to grow your business.  This list can be whatever you want it to be.  Each item on your list is worth one point.  If you had five goals for the day then you receive five points if you completed all your goals.  Any goal you don't complete however is a negative point for the day.  So if you had five goals for the day and you completed four but missed one then you would have a total of three points for the day.  Make a goal of points you want to get each week and each month.  Then at the end of each week total your daily points to see if you reached your weekly goal.  At the end of the month total your points to see if you made you monthly goal.  If you complete your monthly goal then reward yourself by doing something fun.  When you reward yourself make sure the reward is something that gets you excited so that the next month you will be motivated even more to complete your daily and weekly goals so that you can reward yourself again at the end of the month.

I have started this goal setting system and have found it to be extremely helpful in keeping me responsible for doing what I say I'm going to do.  It has also helped me to prioritize my daily activities so that I do the most important things first.  I review my goals for the day in the morning and start thinking of how and when I can complete them.  Then at night before I go to bed I review what I have done for the day.  If I missed completing any of my goals I do not go to bed until I complete everything even if I have to stay up late.

This has helped me to get rid of the excuses I was in the habit of making every day.  Before I would get to the end of the day and I would say I was too tired to do the goals I had set up for myself.  I had goals but often I wouldn't write them down or even keep track of whether or not I was completing my goals.  I had no motivation to complete the goals.  Now my daily goals are my first priority from the second I wake up till I complete them during the day.  I do not leave them till the end of the day anymore.

I would encourage you to start this daily, weekly, and monthly exercise of setting goals, keeping track of them, and rewarding yourself when you complete them.  It seems like a simple thing but if you cannot do the simple things how do you expect to accomplish the bigger things in life and in your business?  As T. Harv Eker says, "How you do anything is how you do everything."

If you think this was helpful click the link below for a free ticket to attend a three day seminar put on my T. Harv Eker that will change your life and how you think about money and your business:


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Every master was once a disaster!

Do not be afraid to start a business because you feel you don't know enough yet.  The point is that you don't know enough yet and you never will if you don't start doing something with your business today.  All the great business people had a time in their life when their business was a total disaster.  What made them great was they didn't stay that way.  They got up, brushed themselves off, learned from their mistakes, and went back into business.

T. Harv Eker states that business success is a learnable skill.  We are not born with the knowledge of how to be successful business people.  I would also argue that we don't learn it while going to school.  Business success can be learned by modeling other successful business people.  It is a skill that cannot be taught academically because as I discussed before information is not equivalent to knowledge.

Knowledge comes from experience and business knowledge comes from owning and operating a business.  Business success comes from modeling other successful people while owning and operating your business.
I would encourage anyone that is business now to get a mentor or a coach to help them take their business to the next level.  Why try to figure everything out on your own when you can have the help of a mentor to guide you through all the obstacles that will stand between you and your success?

Take the first step to your business success and learn from the best at the next Millionaire Mind Intensive: http://www.peakambassador.com/cmd.php?af=mmi5202&p=1.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The biggest success killer - I know that

Today there is so much information available at the tips of your fingers, quite literally.  You can Google any subject and find dozens if not hundreds of web sites or articles about your topic.  Many watch TV and pick up on the latest sports, weather, trends, etc...  When we talk with our friends we like to show how much we know about the latest topics.  We have all this information but the real question is what are we doing with it?  Do you really know something that you saw online fifteen minutes ago?  How many of us are really dedicated to "knowing" much of anything these days?

When you hear something like you can make money at online marketing what is your first response?  Most would say, Yes, I already know that.  But are they doing anything with that knowledge?  Do you really know something you have never practiced?  Albert Einstein put it best when he said, "Information is not knowledge."  This is the information age where we can find anything about just about any topic we desire.  Knowledge is different from information.  Information is cheap but knowledge is expensive because knowledge is only obtained through action and doing something with the information.

In the Epistle of James we read the following in the first chapter verses 22 to 25:

  22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
  23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
  24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
  25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. 

T. Harv Eker states that the biggest success killer is the phrase, "I know that."  These are the people that are informed but do not act on the information they have and they deceive themselves that they have knowledge when in reality they know nothing.

Be one of the few that take action with the information you have available and make that information knowledge that you can use to help you and others.  Attend T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive to begin your quest for knowledge:


Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's what is invisible that creates the physical

There are four key areas in our lives: mental, emotional, spiritual, and the physical.  It is the combination of the first three (i.e. mental, emotional, and spiritual) that combine to form the our physical results.  As T. Harv Eker says, "It's what's invisible that creates what is visible."  So if you want to change your financial situation or your physical environment you need to look at the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life first.  This is where you financial thermostat resides.

If mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you are only comfortable making $50,000 a year then no matter what changes you make to your physical environment (such as changing your job, starting a business, or investing) your financial comfort level will never allow you to reach greater physical results and stay that way.  You may have success for a time but then you will end up sabotaging your success to bring you back down to where your original internal comfort level was at originally.

To change your internal financial comfort level and achieve lasting success externally you must change your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy internally first so that when you physically manifest greater wealth you will be at a place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually where you are comfortable with the new success in your life and you will not feel guilty that you have achieved more than your friends and family.

"Money is energy.  Big money is big energy!" (T. Harv Eker)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thought => Feelings => Actions = Results

This is what T. Harv Eker calls the Wealth Principle:

Thoughts lead to Feelings which lead to Actions which equal Results (T-F-A = R).

Success is not a result of being born into a certain family or being raised in a certain part of the world.  If success were determined simply by where you live then all the people in a specific area would either be successful or broke.  Yet there are several people that became hugely successful despite their circumstances.  What was the reason they were successful when everyone around them was failing miserably?

Success is determined by your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  It is a mental battle.  When faced with a challenge we can either give up and become despondent or we can focus, strategize, and overcome the obstacle that is blocking our success.  Our beliefs about money and success can either help us in this battle or they can cause us to fail depending on what they are.  Negative beliefs about money and success will cause you to avoid having lots of money and prevent you from being successful.  To be successful you need to change your beliefs about money and success so that your beliefs are in alignment with your goals and dreams.  Doing this by yourself can be almost impossible since you see the world through your eyes and your beliefs and subconsciously you do everything you can to prove that you are right and that your beliefs are correct.  Most of the time it will take an outside person to help us see our limiting beliefs and to help us overcome them.

T. Harv Eker is dedicated to helping people change their negative thoughts and beliefs about money so that you can start having success now.  Click the link below to claim your free copy of Get Hardwired for Success: How to Reset Your Mind's Money Blueprint to Create Automatic Wealth.


World's Easiest & Most Effective Money Management System

T. Harv Eker taught a simple money management system at the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar.  The basic idea is to create multiple accounts to hold your money and the money in each account is used only for a specific purpose.  The first account would be your Income account where you would have your pay check(s) deposited. Then you would take that money and split it into the following six accounts using these percentages:

Income Account (Pay checks are deposited here and then split between the following accounts):

1.  Financial Freedom Account (10%)
2.  Long Term Savings (10%)
3.  Education (10%)
4.  Necessities (50%)
5.  Spending (10%)
6.  Charity (10%)

The Financial Freedom account is the money you put into investments such as real estate, stocks, bonds, commodities, business income streams, etc.  This is your passive income account.  You never take money out of this account but money such as interest that you earn from this account can be put into your Income account or kept in the Financial Freedom Account to be reinvested.

The Long Term Savings account is used for things such as saving money to buy a car, go on a vacation, save money for college for the kids, make a down payment on a house, etc.

The Education account is not an account to save money for your kids to go to college (that is the Long Term Savings account).  This account should be used to further educate you in your life and your business.  Examples of this would include paying for your own college education, continuing education after college, seminars, books, CDs, personal or business coaches, etc.  This account should be actively used to improve yourself.

The Necessities account would be used to pay your mortgage or rent, buy food and clothes, transportation expenses such as gas and maintenance of your car, bills such as electric, water, and gas.  This account pays for the basic necessities of life.

The Spending account is meant for exactly that - you have to spend it!  This account must be depleted each and every month on fun activities and purchasing frivolous things!  This is very important because if you do not  reward yourself for all your hard work life will become a burden instead of a celebration.  Live life to the fullest now, not after you retire in 40 years!

The Charity account is very important.  Always give 10% of your income to your church or favorite charity.  If you believe in tithing then this would be the account you would pay tithing out of each month.  It is very important to give back a portion of what we receive to show our gratitude for that which we have been given. The more grateful you are the more likely it is that you will receive more of what you are grateful for in the future.

I would encourage everyone to implement this simple money management system in your life.  Even if you aren't able to do so exactly as described above with all the various percentages just start with what you have and work toward the ideal above.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You can be right or rich - never both!

This was a powerful thought that was shared at the MMI seminar:

"You can be right or rich - never both!"

That coupled with the following are very powerful:

"Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it."

So basically we can spend our lives proving ourselves right in our eyes but doing so will cause us to be narrowly focused and make our mind closed off to new possibilities.  Or we can be open to new thoughts and ideas that may contradict what we think we know but that will propel us to newer heights once we understand them.  The rich are those that are constantly thinking in new ways: new ways to do things, new ways to make money, new ways to help others, new ways to do business, new ways to market, etc...  The world is limitless to them because they do not force their own limitations on it.

If we always had to be right then there would be no room for mistakes and failures.  Mistakes and failures are indications that we erred somewhere in our decision making.  Being open allows us a chance to start over after disaster instead of simply shutting down and being depressed (which is really anger turned inward) the rest of our lives.

Live every day of your life eager to learn new and exciting things.  Do not limit yourself!  When I talk to my 5 and 8 year old boys it is very refreshing.  They don't have all these limiting beliefs.  Give them an idea and ask how they might accomplish something and they will start spouting out suggestion after suggestion of how they think it can be done.  They don't care if they are wrong or right!

Be like a child.  Live for the moment and have great expectations for the future!  Life is fun so live it to its fullest!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Attitudes of Wealth - What I taught my son

The following Attitudes of Wealth were shared with us at the Millionaire Mind Intensive by T. Harv Eker:

1.  I am an excellent money manager.
2.  I always pay myself first.
3.  I put money into my Financial Freedom Account every day.
4.  My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.
5.  I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.
6.  I am financially free.  I work because I choose to, not because I have to.
7.  My part-time business is managing and investing my money and creating passive income streams.

8.  I create my life.  I create the exact amount of my financial success.
9.  I play the money game to win.  My intention is to create wealth and abundance.
10.  I admire and model rich and successful people.
11.  I believe money is important, money is freedom, and money makes life more enjoyable.
12.  I get rich doing what I love.
13.  I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people's lives.
14.  I am a generous giver and an EXCELLENT receiver.
15.  I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
16.  Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
17.  My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day!

Tonight I taught my eight-year old son about sorting the money that he earns into a charity account (i.e. tithing), an investing account (we talked about buying silver and gold--he loved that idea!), and a spending account.  I gave him $50 to start out and we put $5 (or 10%) in the charity account.  If he invests $29 a month at a 10% interest then he will have a million dollars by the time he is ready to retire so we put $29 dollars into his investing account, and the last $16 we put into his spending account.

Then after that we read the 17 Attitudes of Wealth listed above before he went to bed.  He thought that was a blast and agreed with everything especially number 11!  I will do the same with my five-year old son, Landen, next week when it is his Daddy night.  I love teaching my kids about money!  It was lots of fun!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You are either affecting people or infecting people

Here is another saying of T. Harv Eker, "You are either affecting people or infecting people."  When you are affecting people you are helping to move them forward to a better place by your influence.  When you are infecting people you are slowing others down with your bad attitude, your bad energy, and your negative outlook on life.  Negativity is not productive.  It inhibits action and uses reason to justify your failures.

Our goal in interacting with other people should always be to help them, to serve them, and guide them to a better place.  Our goal with any business should be the same.  Only in providing value in other people's lives can we truly be successful.  Success is not measured by how much money and wealth you obtain but by the number of people's lives you can influence for the better.

In 1 Corinthians 15:41 it reads: There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

The sun provides the most value, giving life and light to all.  Its energy and warmth can be felt millions of miles from the source and life cannot exist without it.  The moon provides only a reflection of the sun's value, though the moon does have some small sway on the earth and its tides.  The stars can barely been seen and only on the darkest of nights are they all visible.  Stars provide a small help in navigation but their light is minuscule and individually they rarely provide value to any.

So live your life with a goal to provide immense value and in so doing you will find true success and meaning. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

How you do anything is how you do everything - T. Harv Eker

I just attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive course created by T. Harv Eker's company Peak Potentials.  It was a great course with lots of valuable information so I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the insight this course provides in this blog.  This is by no means a comprehensive review of the course but meant to provide some insight the course gave me and some highlights I found helpful.

So here is the idea from the course I wanted to share today:

T. Harv Eker has the following saying: "How you do anything is how you do everything."  This basically means that how we do the little things in life also reflects how we do the big things in life.  If we say we are going to do something and don't do it on a day to day basis then how are we going to complete our bigger goals in life.  Bigger goals require that the daily commitments be kept.  If we aren't keeping the daily commitments that lead us to the bigger goal then we will never reach the bigger goal.  So it is very important that you pay attention to how to do the little things in life because that reflects in a large way how you will do with the bigger things in your life.

Here is an example going on in my life right now.  I want to run a marathon by the end of 2011.  To do this I need to build up the stamina to run the 26 miles.  This obviously needs to be done gradually because if I tried to run the marathon today I would never make it.  So I am starting out with a goal to run 1 to 3 miles four days a week.  When I run 1 mile I will run at a faster speed and when I run the 3 miles I will slow it down.  This is my goal for the next month.  Now if I keep to this goal I should be able to revisit the distance I am running next month and increase it slightly and I will continue doing this each month until I can run the full 26 mile marathon.  If I slack off and don't do the required 4 runs each week then I will never be prepared to do the marathon at the end of 2011.  So how well I keep to my small goals will determine how well I can fulfill my long-term goal.

Hopefully you find this information helpful.  I will be back tomorrow with an additional insight from the seminar.