Thursday, November 18, 2010

You can be right or rich - never both!

This was a powerful thought that was shared at the MMI seminar:

"You can be right or rich - never both!"

That coupled with the following are very powerful:

"Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it."

So basically we can spend our lives proving ourselves right in our eyes but doing so will cause us to be narrowly focused and make our mind closed off to new possibilities.  Or we can be open to new thoughts and ideas that may contradict what we think we know but that will propel us to newer heights once we understand them.  The rich are those that are constantly thinking in new ways: new ways to do things, new ways to make money, new ways to help others, new ways to do business, new ways to market, etc...  The world is limitless to them because they do not force their own limitations on it.

If we always had to be right then there would be no room for mistakes and failures.  Mistakes and failures are indications that we erred somewhere in our decision making.  Being open allows us a chance to start over after disaster instead of simply shutting down and being depressed (which is really anger turned inward) the rest of our lives.

Live every day of your life eager to learn new and exciting things.  Do not limit yourself!  When I talk to my 5 and 8 year old boys it is very refreshing.  They don't have all these limiting beliefs.  Give them an idea and ask how they might accomplish something and they will start spouting out suggestion after suggestion of how they think it can be done.  They don't care if they are wrong or right!

Be like a child.  Live for the moment and have great expectations for the future!  Life is fun so live it to its fullest!

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