Friday, November 26, 2010

Success equals doing what you say you are going to do

There are two types of habits: doing habits and not doing habits.  Either of these habits can be good or bad.  If your habits are bringing you towards your goals of success and freedom then they are good habits and you should reinforce them to keep your momentum going.  If your habits are habits that prevent you from reaching your goals then these must be replaced with habits that will move you towards your goals.

T. Harv Eker has a great goal setting system.  The main point of this system is to make you responsible to do what you say you are going to do.  Then when you accomplish your goals for the month you reward yourself to positively reinforce your efforts.  This goal system is simple.  You create a list of things you must do each day to grow your business.  This list can be whatever you want it to be.  Each item on your list is worth one point.  If you had five goals for the day then you receive five points if you completed all your goals.  Any goal you don't complete however is a negative point for the day.  So if you had five goals for the day and you completed four but missed one then you would have a total of three points for the day.  Make a goal of points you want to get each week and each month.  Then at the end of each week total your daily points to see if you reached your weekly goal.  At the end of the month total your points to see if you made you monthly goal.  If you complete your monthly goal then reward yourself by doing something fun.  When you reward yourself make sure the reward is something that gets you excited so that the next month you will be motivated even more to complete your daily and weekly goals so that you can reward yourself again at the end of the month.

I have started this goal setting system and have found it to be extremely helpful in keeping me responsible for doing what I say I'm going to do.  It has also helped me to prioritize my daily activities so that I do the most important things first.  I review my goals for the day in the morning and start thinking of how and when I can complete them.  Then at night before I go to bed I review what I have done for the day.  If I missed completing any of my goals I do not go to bed until I complete everything even if I have to stay up late.

This has helped me to get rid of the excuses I was in the habit of making every day.  Before I would get to the end of the day and I would say I was too tired to do the goals I had set up for myself.  I had goals but often I wouldn't write them down or even keep track of whether or not I was completing my goals.  I had no motivation to complete the goals.  Now my daily goals are my first priority from the second I wake up till I complete them during the day.  I do not leave them till the end of the day anymore.

I would encourage you to start this daily, weekly, and monthly exercise of setting goals, keeping track of them, and rewarding yourself when you complete them.  It seems like a simple thing but if you cannot do the simple things how do you expect to accomplish the bigger things in life and in your business?  As T. Harv Eker says, "How you do anything is how you do everything."

If you think this was helpful click the link below for a free ticket to attend a three day seminar put on my T. Harv Eker that will change your life and how you think about money and your business:

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