Monday, November 15, 2010

How you do anything is how you do everything - T. Harv Eker

I just attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive course created by T. Harv Eker's company Peak Potentials.  It was a great course with lots of valuable information so I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the insight this course provides in this blog.  This is by no means a comprehensive review of the course but meant to provide some insight the course gave me and some highlights I found helpful.

So here is the idea from the course I wanted to share today:

T. Harv Eker has the following saying: "How you do anything is how you do everything."  This basically means that how we do the little things in life also reflects how we do the big things in life.  If we say we are going to do something and don't do it on a day to day basis then how are we going to complete our bigger goals in life.  Bigger goals require that the daily commitments be kept.  If we aren't keeping the daily commitments that lead us to the bigger goal then we will never reach the bigger goal.  So it is very important that you pay attention to how to do the little things in life because that reflects in a large way how you will do with the bigger things in your life.

Here is an example going on in my life right now.  I want to run a marathon by the end of 2011.  To do this I need to build up the stamina to run the 26 miles.  This obviously needs to be done gradually because if I tried to run the marathon today I would never make it.  So I am starting out with a goal to run 1 to 3 miles four days a week.  When I run 1 mile I will run at a faster speed and when I run the 3 miles I will slow it down.  This is my goal for the next month.  Now if I keep to this goal I should be able to revisit the distance I am running next month and increase it slightly and I will continue doing this each month until I can run the full 26 mile marathon.  If I slack off and don't do the required 4 runs each week then I will never be prepared to do the marathon at the end of 2011.  So how well I keep to my small goals will determine how well I can fulfill my long-term goal.

Hopefully you find this information helpful.  I will be back tomorrow with an additional insight from the seminar.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%! I had that same thought running through my head today of something that happens to me when I'm at work. Like today, I was getting sleepy from sitting at my desk and staring at a computer all day, but once I got up out of my chair, took action, walked around, and did something I was awake again! I'm proud of you for starting this blog. You're amazing!
