Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hesitation is the leading cause of road kill!

When was the last time you were presented with an opportunity that may have been profitable but that would have required that you leave your comfort zone and do something completely new?  Did you do it?  Why or why not?  What thoughts go through your mind as you think of such of a situation?  I would argue that most people shy away from these "opportunities" automatically.  We are comfortable where we are and anything that would require us to change in a radical way what we are currently doing is not something that most would deem as favorable or even logical.

I had lunch today with a friend that told me of such an experience.  In the year 2002 he was in school and his goal was to get his master's degree which is of course a worthy endeavor.  One of his friends decided to start a mortgage company and asked my friend to quit school and work with him full time on this new business opportunity.  My friend declined and continued to work towards his master's degree.  In the next few years his friend's mortgage business took off and his friend was making over $150K a month.  My friend did get his degree but he missed out on a huge opportunity because he hesitated and decided to stay in his comfort zone.  Needless to say that my friend is not making $150K a month with his master's degree.  Now, however, he is determined to not make the same mistake and is working with a mentor of his to start his own securities and insurance business.

Do not miss this huge opportunity to take your life to the next level!  Attend the next Millionaire Mind Intensive by T. Harv Eker.  Below are some upcoming dates for the seminar:

San Diego December 10-12, 2010
Santa Clara January 7-9, 2011
Los Angeles on February 18-20, 2011

Click the link below to register to attend this life changing event for free:


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