Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You are either affecting people or infecting people

Here is another saying of T. Harv Eker, "You are either affecting people or infecting people."  When you are affecting people you are helping to move them forward to a better place by your influence.  When you are infecting people you are slowing others down with your bad attitude, your bad energy, and your negative outlook on life.  Negativity is not productive.  It inhibits action and uses reason to justify your failures.

Our goal in interacting with other people should always be to help them, to serve them, and guide them to a better place.  Our goal with any business should be the same.  Only in providing value in other people's lives can we truly be successful.  Success is not measured by how much money and wealth you obtain but by the number of people's lives you can influence for the better.

In 1 Corinthians 15:41 it reads: There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

The sun provides the most value, giving life and light to all.  Its energy and warmth can be felt millions of miles from the source and life cannot exist without it.  The moon provides only a reflection of the sun's value, though the moon does have some small sway on the earth and its tides.  The stars can barely been seen and only on the darkest of nights are they all visible.  Stars provide a small help in navigation but their light is minuscule and individually they rarely provide value to any.

So live your life with a goal to provide immense value and in so doing you will find true success and meaning. 

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