Thursday, November 25, 2010

Every master was once a disaster!

Do not be afraid to start a business because you feel you don't know enough yet.  The point is that you don't know enough yet and you never will if you don't start doing something with your business today.  All the great business people had a time in their life when their business was a total disaster.  What made them great was they didn't stay that way.  They got up, brushed themselves off, learned from their mistakes, and went back into business.

T. Harv Eker states that business success is a learnable skill.  We are not born with the knowledge of how to be successful business people.  I would also argue that we don't learn it while going to school.  Business success can be learned by modeling other successful business people.  It is a skill that cannot be taught academically because as I discussed before information is not equivalent to knowledge.

Knowledge comes from experience and business knowledge comes from owning and operating a business.  Business success comes from modeling other successful people while owning and operating your business.
I would encourage anyone that is business now to get a mentor or a coach to help them take their business to the next level.  Why try to figure everything out on your own when you can have the help of a mentor to guide you through all the obstacles that will stand between you and your success?

Take the first step to your business success and learn from the best at the next Millionaire Mind Intensive:

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