Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Attitudes of Wealth - What I taught my son

The following Attitudes of Wealth were shared with us at the Millionaire Mind Intensive by T. Harv Eker:

1.  I am an excellent money manager.
2.  I always pay myself first.
3.  I put money into my Financial Freedom Account every day.
4.  My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.
5.  I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.
6.  I am financially free.  I work because I choose to, not because I have to.
7.  My part-time business is managing and investing my money and creating passive income streams.

8.  I create my life.  I create the exact amount of my financial success.
9.  I play the money game to win.  My intention is to create wealth and abundance.
10.  I admire and model rich and successful people.
11.  I believe money is important, money is freedom, and money makes life more enjoyable.
12.  I get rich doing what I love.
13.  I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people's lives.
14.  I am a generous giver and an EXCELLENT receiver.
15.  I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
16.  Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
17.  My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day!

Tonight I taught my eight-year old son about sorting the money that he earns into a charity account (i.e. tithing), an investing account (we talked about buying silver and gold--he loved that idea!), and a spending account.  I gave him $50 to start out and we put $5 (or 10%) in the charity account.  If he invests $29 a month at a 10% interest then he will have a million dollars by the time he is ready to retire so we put $29 dollars into his investing account, and the last $16 we put into his spending account.

Then after that we read the 17 Attitudes of Wealth listed above before he went to bed.  He thought that was a blast and agreed with everything especially number 11!  I will do the same with my five-year old son, Landen, next week when it is his Daddy night.  I love teaching my kids about money!  It was lots of fun!

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